Dr Adam Pendlebury


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Languages: English


  • Gynaecology

Areas of Interest

  • Gynaecological oncology
  • Gynaecology
  • Laparoscopic surgery
  • Robotic surgery
  • Colposcopy and laser

St Vincent’s Private Hospital Fitzroy, VIC

Epworth Freemasons
Level 6, Suite 6.1
124 Grey Street
East Melbourne VIC 3002

T: (03) 9115 9336

F: (03) 9115 9330

E: reception@dradampendlebury.com.au


Dr Adam Pendlebury is a gynaecologist and gynaecological oncologist who specialises in the surgical management of complex gynaecological conditions.

Dr Pendlebury manages your treatment after an abnormal cervical screening test (colposcopy). He also treats ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and cancers of the female reproductive system (uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, vagina and vulva).

Adam undertook his general training in obstetrics and gynaecology at the Mercy Hospital for Women in Heidelberg, Melbourne, before completing advanced surgical training in gynaecology and gynaecological oncology at the Mercy Hospital, the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Mater Hospital Brisbane, King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth, as well as the Cleveland Clinic in the US. The emphasis of his training has been on the use of minimally-invasive surgical techniques – both laparoscopic and robotic-assisted procedures (including the daVinci® robot-assisted surgery system).

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