Dr Scott Burne


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Languages: English


  • Sports Medicine

Areas of Interest

  • Musculoskeletal ultrasound
  • Chronic overuse injuries
  • Chronic exertional compartment syndrome

St Vincent’s Private Hospital Sydney, NSW

St Vincent's SportsMed
Suite 407
St Vincent's Clinic
438 Victoria Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010

T: (02) 8382 6969

F: (02) 8382 6968

E: sportsmed@stvincents.com.au

Balmain Sports Medicine
118 Victoria Road
Rozelle NSW 2039

T: (02) 9818 1004

E: office@balmainsportsmed.com.au


Dr Scott Burne is a sport medicine physician with special interests in osteoarthritis, chronic overuse injuries, and musculoskeletal ultrasound.

Dr Scott Burne has extensive experience working with elite athletes and professional sporting associations including the Australian Men’s and Women’s Water polo Teams, the Australian Open Tennis Championships, West Tigers Rugby League team. He treats patients of all sporting and exercise levels for all aspects of sports medicine care, helping his patients return to optimal function.

Scott is also seen as a leading expert in chronic exertional compartment syndrome and pressure testing for this condition.

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