Prof Deborah Marriott
MB BS (Hons1), BSc(Med)(Hons1), FRACP, FRCPA, MASM
Languages: English
- Infectious Diseases
Areas of Interest
- Microbiology
- Infectious diseases
- Therapeutic drug modelling
St Vincent’s Private Hospital Sydney, NSW
Suite 507A
St Vincent's Clinic
438 Victoria Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Professor Deborah JE Marriott has an interest and expertise in fungal infections in people who are immuno-compromised and also in therapeutic drug monitoring of antimicrobial agents.
Prof Marriott’s interest in fungal infections began soon after she diagnosed the first patient with HIV infection in Australia in 1983.She is a senior specialist at St. Vincent's, the hospital with the largest HIV medicine unit in Australia. She has over 150 publications in refereed journals. She has been an invited speaker at a number of international and national meetings.
Deborah has a long-standing interest in infections in intensive care, and more recently, antimicrobial agents in critically ill patients, having undertaken daily rounds in the St Vincent's Hospital ICU for nearly 30 years.