Dr James Tang
Languages: English, Mandarin
- Nephrology
Areas of Interest
- Kidney Injury & Disease
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Immune Glomerular Disease
- Hypertension
- Nephrolithiasis
- Dialysis
- Transplant
St Vincent’s Private Hospital Sydney, NSW
St Vincent's Hospital Sydney
Hudson House, Ground Floor
131 Macquarie Street
Sydney 2000
(enter via Douglass Hanly Moir)
St Vincent's Hospital
Xavier Building, Level 4, 390 Victoria St, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010
University of Notre Dame,
Level 2, 88-90 Water Street
Auburn 2144
Dr James Tang is an accredited nephrologist and transplant physician in Sydney.
Dr James Tang is kidney specialist and a Senior Staff Specialist at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney.Dr Tang is a caring and compassionate physician, committed to providing excellent personalised care to his patients. He manages all aspects of kidney disease.
He is a clinician researcher and is actively involved in research and teaching. He has published in international peer reviewed journals, including Transplantation and American Journal of Transplantation and is a scientific reviewer for various journals.