Dr Jeremy Fernando
Languages: English
- Anaesthetics
- Intensive Care
Areas of Interest
- Complex patients undergoing surgery
St Vincent’s Private Hospital Toowoomba, QLD
The Perioperative Care Service
Level 1, Entrance 4
St Vincent's Private Hospital Toowoomba
22-36 Scott Street
Toowoomba QLD 4350
T: 07 4688 5574
Dr Fernando is an Anaesthetist, Intensive Care Specialist and a Perioperative Medical Specialist.
He has a particular interest in complex patients undergoing surgery. He is the Director of the St Vincent's Private Hospital Toowoomba Intensive Care Unit and is the Perioperative Care Service Clinical Lead. He trained in New Zealand and relocated to Australia 2012.His current interests include high-risk perioperative assessment and collaborative health care delivery. He has been heavily involved with the Australian New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and the development of Perioperative Medicine since becoming a specialist. As well as working in Anaesthesia and ICU he runs a high-risk clinic for complex patients undergoing surgery with the goal of reducing perioperative complications, improving communication and patient outcomes.
He is also a lecturer for the Rural Clinical School, University of Queensland.