St Vincent’s Private Hospitals offer a wide range of psychology related services, for details of the psychology services at your local St Vincent’s Private Hospital, click here.
We help people with the mental, emotional and cognitive effects of illness.
Clinical psychologists perform a number of support roles in our hospitals, helping people with psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, throughout their hospital admission. They also support patients with brain injuries, brain tumours or degenerative conditions affecting their mental functioning.
Our psychologists
Our clinical psychologists and clinical neuropsychologists can assess the causes of a person’s psychological distress and help develop a management or treatment plan. We have clinical psychologists with interests and expertise in all aspects of psychology.
Our psychological services
Please check your relevant hospital below for their specific services. **Not all services are available at all hospitals.
Our patients have access to psychological services including a range of assessments to help support them if they experience psychological difficulties while in our care.
Support is provided for patients experiencing:
- Anxiety and mood disorder.
- Adjustment disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, relationship problems
- Pre and post-operative adjustment
What is neuropsychology?
Neuropsychology is just one of the psychological services we offer. It is used to assess, diagnose and treat people with a condition affecting their brain. With detailed interviewing and standardised testing, a neuropsychologist can compile a profile of your cognitive strengths and weaknesses to uncover any deficits that the condition may have caused.
Who is it useful for?
A neuropsychological assessment can be helpful if you’ve had a brain injury (or suspected brain injury).
It’s also helpful for people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, a brain tumour, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and other diseases affecting the brain.
We also find they can be helpful for some people with a psychiatric illness or intellectual disability.
What happens after my assessment?
Following a neuropsychological assessment, your psychologist will give you advice and education about the best ways to retain and improve your cognitive functioning, so that you can optimise your abilities.
Find a hospital near you offering psychology services
On site we have 13 operating theatres including a state of the art hybrid theatre, lithotripsy procedure room and cardiac catheter laboratory. Our operating theatres and surgeons are supported by a 12-bed intensive care unit, post anaesthetic care unit, 4 bed post stroke unit and world leading central sterilising department.
We work in partnership with our patients and their families to take a compassionate and holistic approach to healthcare. Our experienced team of clinical professionals, care givers and support staff are equipped to provide the highest level of therapeutic, medical and surgical services. We work together to ensure your safety, wellbeing and recovery.
We aim to continually push the boundaries of healthcare and improve patient outcomes.
Your surgeon will recommend a psychologist.
Find details of our psychologist here
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