Take care of your body
As your baby grows inside you, you need to look after yourself by adopting healthy habits. By taking part in regular physical activity and eating a balanced diet of freshly-prepared food, you will ensure your body is ready to meet the challenge of giving birth and caring for your new baby.

Enrol in maternity education classes
Our hospital offers antenatal education classes for you and your partner. Topics include preparing for birth, breastfeeding, bathing your baby and baby first aid.

Get a whooping cough (pertussis) vaccination
The best time to be vaccinated against whooping cough is in the second trimester (preferably at 20 weeks). This will provide early protection for you and your baby as the antibodies pass to your baby in the womb. We advise partners and other close family members to be immunised as well.

Look after your emotional wellbeing
Pregnancy can be a stressful time. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance if you’re struggling to cope. Mater Maternity offers expectant mothers a check-up at roughly 30 weeks with one of our midwives, to help support your emotional wellbeing.

Make a birth plan
Talk to your obstetrician and support person about what kind of birth experience you would like. We will do everything we can to provide you with personalised care in line with your wishes.