Neurectomy foot surgery, or Morton’s neuroma surgery, relieves painful pressure by removing the nerves in the ball of the foot causing irritation and swelling.

Neurectomy Foot Surgery

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What is neurectomy foot surgery?

Neurectomy foot surgery, also known as Morton’s neuroma surgery, is the most common type of surgery used to treat Morton’s neuroma. This particular foot condition occurs when the nerve tissue gets irritated and thickens in the space most commonly between the 3rd and 4th toes. It can be caused by uncomfortable footwear, high heels, abnormal bone structure or post-injury. Patients experience pain when walking and have the feeling of a pebble lodged beneath the sole of their foot. Morton’s neuroma is not serious, but it can be very painful and seriously limit your daily activities and quality of life. As there is no way to reduce the nerve growth once it has occurred, the best way to relieve symptoms is through shoe wear modification and anti-inflammatory medication. In severe cases where the pain is no longer responding to conservative treatment, your doctor may recommend removing the damaged nerve completely using neurectomy foot surgery. Removing the affected nerve completely will leave the area permanently numb. 

General recovery times 

This procedure can be performed as day surgery using a variety of techniques, all with similar outcomes. After neurectomy foot surgery you will be advised to keep your foot elevated and rested as much as possible in the first 2-3 weeks. For the first couple of weeks, you will be provided with a special orthopaedic shoe to wear, after which you can transition into a wide shoe. After 6 weeks, you should be able to wear normal shoes and begin light exercise. The toes may remain swollen for 3-4 months after surgery.

Regular foot massage from 2 weeks after surgery is recommended to reduce swelling and scar tissue formation. This will continue for up to 3 months after surgery. Talk to your doctor about returning to work or driving. In the event that Morton’s Neuroma returns, neurectomy foot surgery can be performed again.

treatment and recovery

How much will my foot surgery cost?

Understanding the cost of your treatment is an important consideration before committing to surgery, but it’s not always easy to find the information you need. Learn more about the factors which contribute to the cost of your surgery:

Foot Surgery - Treatment Costs

What will my treatment and recovery look like?

Familiarising yourself with your treatment program and understanding the recovery process are important steps to take on the pathway to surgery.

Patient journey - Foot Surgery

treatment and recovery

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